
              <Jose and Cassia's first experience Chinese food >


I’m very glad to go to Chinese restaurant with my classmate.

Especial are Joes and Cassia.

Joes comes form Venezuela and Cassia comes form Brazil.

They are never use chopsticks. So today it is their first time.

This is their first time to eat Chinese food too.

And also is my farewell party.

Original it’s not my farewell party.

Because I just take them to go to Chinese restaurant.

They want to taste the Chinese food.

And then I think I can invite my classmate together.

But unexpectedly become my farewell party.

I still felt happy very much.

Joes is a wit person. All of us are amused of him.

Cassia is a lively woman.

She usually asks so many questions in class.

Original I just like to make friend with Japanese and Korean.

All of us are form Asia. We have similar culture.

But now they give very fine impressed on me.

I really like to speak with them now.

I hope can together with them next time.

And I’m very glad too that other classmates participate in today’s party.


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