We decided to go to travel in hey river before 2 months ago.
Most visitors will all choose to go to the yellow knife town to see the aurora.
Thought hey river and yellow knife town separate one lake only, but the bus ticket is double.
So we choose to go to hey river to see the aurora.
We have 5 members. Sylvia, Cythia, Wu, Fannie and Nancy.
Original we meet in from of GV at 7:00.
We want to take no.10 bus at 7:15.
But Fannie was late. When we have arrived bus stop, the bus had already gone.
But the bus of the next hasn’t arrived on time.
We felt nervous because we fear couldn’t take bus to go to but station.
Fortunately we took but at 7:45.
We all pray on the car that the bus can arrive as soon as possible, because we want to take the bus of 8:00 to go to hey river.
We are so lucky because finally we take the bus. We don’t need worry about delay.
This is a section of long journey, because setting out take 21 hours to hey river, coming back need take 23 hours.
After we reach hey river, there is a very nice person, he want to drive us to downtown.
We are so lucky. But the hotel wasn’t good.
They give our bed room and raise the price. We decide to change another hotel.
And then Nancy fined a good hotel. It’s very cheap and nice.
Nancy says that the aurora will appear from 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock in the evening.
We decide to go out to find aurora in first day night.
After we have walked on a section of roads, everybody finds the aurora successively, but the light in the street is too bright, so we decide to go to the place without light.
Everyone felt excited. This was aurora originally~~~
My god~~ I saw the aurora.
My friend’s camera doesn’t work. They couldn’t take good picture of aurora.
But my camera is good. I can take so many beautiful pictures.
I’m really lucky. I want to thank my Taiwanese friend because my camera was he recommend.
I joked says that my friends must buy my photograph.
In everybody’s admiration sound, we have finished the exploration on first day.
Unfortunately we are unable to see aurora in following 3 days.
The weather was too bed. Too much cloud and rain.
Those days we just stay at hotel eat food and chat.
Even thought I still felt so happy.
Because I see the aurora.