Today Paul and I want to cook each country food. We are going to T&T and 阿里郎first. I bought rice cake because I didn’t have that too long time. I really want to eat. And Paul wants to cook Bulgogi. The Bulgogi is beef, onion and sauce fried together. It’s very delicious.
I felt rice cake very delicious too when I ate rice cake. I thought my mother because she likes to cook that for me when I left in Taiwan. Every time I said that I was hungry and then she’ll cook that for me. Actually that isn’t my favorite food. This is my mother favorite food and easily for cook of rice cake. Now I really miss my family and every thing of Taiwan. And I miss 臭豆腐、肉圓、小火鍋、跟399吃到飽啦~~~~煩耶>_<||